The Best 8 Content Marketing Tools and Resources of 2016


2016 looks promising for a webmaster looking forward to gaining ground on the web while utilizing content marketing. Mind you, content marketing has become the hottest new trend that can guarantee you traffic and business results ultimately. However, you need to enumerate content marketing tools and resources to drive prospects with high business potential while sustaining the engagement of the existing clients. Here are the best eight tools and resources of 2016 that will guarantee you great strategy and provide a multi-distribution channel for the content that you create:


Are you looking forward to marketing your hard work in compiling content? gives you a platform to market your job on an autopilot mode. The site crawls your content and maps every person or product mentioned in your content such as an article or blog post. The platform then finds the relevant contact information, which helps you to connect with them automatically. How effective!



Twitter has become one of the most used mainstream social platforms, but the effectiveness of the site for your marketing depends on the number of followers you have. helps you to grow your following so that every article that you publish gets to as many prospects as possible. You will use the resource to find the major influencers and VIPs in your field, which gives you an opportunity to engage them, further outside Twitter! It seems you will have more use for 140-characters in 2016!


3. Smart Paper Help

The business of academic writing will propel your content into space this year. Just imagine the number of students and businesses prospects you can gain from Smart Custom Writing. Your content must stand out because clients from this site call for quality, which cannot be, comprised whatsoever.


4. SEO approach to Content Marketing

This is one of the top marketing resources that define content marketing. In fact, consider using it alongside social media and video and you will be amazed at the extent you will gain prospects for your site or products. You will have a narrow but a technical resource that will help to fulfill the requirement of the search engines.


5. Google Analytics

Are you looking for best resources for content marketing? Google Analytics is irreplaceable for a content marketer looking to set standards in 2016. Not only will you earn revenue through your content but also you will have marketing channels that will turn your content into a lucrative enterprise. Google Analytics creates, promotes, and facilitates syndication for your content marketing efforts.


6. Content Marketing Experts Advice

The help of content marketing expertise is inevitable in space. The best way to benefit from their tips and tricks this year is to become their number one stalker on Twitter. Do not miss the tidbits they post or share on twitter because they will propel you a great deal. Target experts such as Rob Wormley and Michael Brenner.


7. Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar will place you on the web map and position your content on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Learn how to construct an editorial calendar because having great content alone will not complete the puzzle behind effective content marketing effort.


8. CopyBlogger

CopyBlogger has carved a niche for itself in the content marketing world in the recent decades. Invest in the premiership of the site to reach out to an influencer, people, and products mentioned in your posts. In addition, you will get handy guides for SEO copywriting, keyword research, and designing landing pages if you have a website. Venture into other popular sites to gain lucrative prospects and prove the worth of your expertise.
